- Unfolds in under 5 seconds - 100% Pre-Assembled with no tools assembly or significant time required
- Folds flat for easy storage and portability; minimal space required to easily store in your garage closet under your bed or behind doors
- Made of heavy-duty commercial grade powder-coated steel
- Weight Capacity with leveling feet: 50 lb per shelf, 300 lbs total
- Weight Capacity without leveling feet: 70 lb per shelf, 420 lbs total
- Overall Dimensions: 24'' W x 11'' D x 65'' H
Origami 6-Shelf Classic Stamped Bookcase
The 6-Shelf Bookcase is delivered to your door neatly folded and fully assembled. No need to worry about finding someone to install this product: Simply twist the feet on unfold it secure stability by locking the Origami connection clip and swing the top shelf up and over. In less than 2 minutes your sturdy storage solution is ready to go!